Thursday, July 25, 2013

Pen & Ink: Cutting

Pen & Ink + Watercolor

Another sketch from the sketchbook. I had a nice visit with family last weekend. In the stories told, we talked about how the land has changed over time around my Grandmother's house. We roamed the creeks and pastures (Once a dirt car track! What?!?) and woods around her house when we were children. Now the creek is overgrown and a new forest covers part of the land. I literally can't see the place where we spent our spring and summer days.

But is that more lonely and shocking than a forest clear cut from memory? Either way, it feels like a displacement of the self. Even if that self was seven years old a long time ago.

Pen and Ink: Sitting Bull

From my sketchbook. An attempt at a pen and ink + watercolor sketch of Sitting Bull taken from the iconic photograph. Trial and error on this one, but it was fun to give it a try.